sedation dentistry

Overcoming Dental Anxiety: Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Are you anxious about visiting the dentist due to dental anxiety? You’re not alone. Many people feel anxious or fearful about getting dental care, which can result in delaying or avoiding necessary treatment. At Avenue Dental Care Cosmetic Dentistry & Sedation Center, we understand the importance of addressing dental anxiety. We offer sedation dentistry as a solution to help our patients feel comfortable during their dental procedures.

Understanding Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry involves using medication to help patients relax and feel at ease during dental procedures. It is a safe and effective option for patients who experience dental anxiety or fear. With sedation dentistry, patients can undergo dental treatment without feeling anxious or stressed, allowing them to receive the oral health care they need.

Types of Sedation and Anesthesia

At Avenue Dental Care, we offer different types of sedation and anesthesia to cater to the individual needs of our patients. Our experienced dentists, Dr. Navdeep Virk, Dr. Julius Jackson, and Dr. Nora Svihl, will assess your dental needs and medical history to determine the most suitable option for you. Our sedation options include the following:

1. Nitrous Oxide

Also known as “laughing gas,” nitrous oxide is a mild form of sedation that is inhaled through a mask placed over the nose. It induces a feeling of relaxation and helps patients feel at ease during dental procedures. Nitrous oxide is a safe option that wears off quickly, allowing patients to resume their daily activities after their dental appointment.

2. Oral Sedation

This involves taking medication orally before the dental procedure to induce a state of relaxation. Oral sedation can range from mild to moderate, depending on the dosage. It can help patients with moderate dental anxiety feel more comfortable during their treatment. Patients may feel drowsy but will still be able to respond to the dentist’s instructions.

3. IV Sedation

Intravenous (IV) sedation is administered through a vein, allowing the medication to take effect quickly. It is a deeper form of sedation. IV sedation can help patients with severe dental anxiety or those undergoing complex dental procedures. In this method, patients are in a state of deep relaxation and may not remember much about the procedure afterward.

What to Expect from Sedation Dentistry

sedation dentistry

When you choose sedation dentistry at Avenue Dental Care Cosmetic & Sedation Center, you can expect a comfortable and stress-free experience. Before your dental procedure, our dentists will thoroughly evaluate your medical history and discuss your options. They will explain the benefits and risks of each type of sedation and help you make an informed decision based on your individual needs and preferences.

During the dental procedure, you will be closely monitored to ensure your safety and comfort. Our team of skilled dental professionals will provide gentle care while you are in a relaxed state. You may feel drowsy during the procedure, but you will still be able to respond to verbal cues from the dentist if needed.

After the dental procedure, our team will carefully monitor your recovery until you are ready to go home. Depending on the type of sedation used, you may need to have a friend or family member stay with you or drive you home. Our dentists will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

Why Choose Avenue Dental Care for Sedation Dentistry

At Avenue Dental Care, we understand that dental anxiety can prevent patients from getting the dental care they need. That’s why we are committed to providing a safe and comfortable environment for our patients. Here are some reasons why you should choose our practice for sedation dentistry:

Experienced Dentists

Our dentists, Dr. Virk, Dr. Jackson, and Dr. Svihl, have years of experience in providing sedation dentistry to patients with dental anxiety. They are skilled in administering different types of sedation and anesthesia and prioritize patient safety and comfort.

Comprehensive Services

Avenue Dental Care offers a wide range of general dental and cosmetic dental services, in addition to sedation dentistry. Whether you need a routine dental cleaning, a tooth extraction, or a smile makeover, our team can provide comprehensive dental care. We aim to meet all of your oral health needs in our convenient locations.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

Our dental office is equipped with modern technology and amenities to provide the highest level of care. Our sedation dentistry procedures are performed in a comfortable and relaxing environment. We use advanced monitoring equipment to ensure your safety throughout the procedure.

Compassionate and Caring Team

Our team of dental professionals is trained to provide compassionate and personalized care to all of our patients. We understand that dental anxiety is a real concern for many individuals. We take the time to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and create a treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and comfort level.

Customized Treatment Plans

We believe that every patient is unique and deserves individualized care. Our dentists will work with you to create a treatment plan that considers your dental anxiety, oral health condition, and treatment goals. We will explain all of your options and help you make an informed decision based on your preferences and medical history.

Commitment to Safety

At Avenue Dental Care, patient safety is our top priority. We follow strict protocols and guidelines for sedation dentistry. Our dental team is trained in emergency preparedness and advanced life support techniques. You can trust that you are in safe and capable hands during your sedation dentistry procedure.

Convenient Financing Options

We understand that dental care can be a financial concern for some patients. That’s why we offer convenient financing options to help you manage the cost of your treatment. Our team will work with you to find a payment plan that fits your budget, so you can get the dental care you need without undue financial stress.

Contact Us Today

sedation dentist

If you suffer from dental anxiety or fear, sedation dentistry at Avenue Dental Care Cosmetic & Sedation Center can help you overcome your fears and receive the dental care you need. Our experienced dentists, state-of-the-art facilities, compassionate team, and commitment to safety make us the ideal choice for sedation dentistry in Spokane Valley and North Spokane, WA.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how sedation dentistry can benefit you. Your oral health and peace of mind is our priority.

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